I am starting this lab about a week or two late, but that's because I am unfamiliar with all of the things we are doing. So in an attempt to do this lab, I will document as well what steps I am taking and what I'm thinking as I do so...
First of all, let's outline the instructions:
Lab 1
- Select any two open source software packages that have different licenses.
- Research the procedure used by those projects to accept code ("patches") from contributors. This may be through a mailing list, bug tracker, or source code management system (SCMS)/version control system (VCS).
- Identify one software change ("patch") successfully submitted in each community, and observe the entire review process from start to finish. Note how many people were involved in the review, the role of those people in the community and project, how long the whole review took, how responsive the participants were to updates in the process, what kinds of issues were discussed, and how issues were resolved.
- Write a blog post discussing your findings. Explain how each community's review process works, the reasons for what you've observed, and note the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Consider what you personally would have to do and learn in order to successfully submit a patch to each community.
Initially, I have no idea what a license is... so I looked it up on Google.com.
About Open Source Licenses
Open source licenses are licenses that comply with the Open Source Definition — in brief, they allow software to be freely used, modified, and shared. To be approved by the Open Source Initiative (also known as the OSI), a license must go through the Open Source Initiative's license review process.Popular Licenses
The following OSI-approved licenses are popular, widely used, or have strong communities:- Apache License 2.0
- BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" license
- BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" or "FreeBSD" license
- GNU General Public License (GPL)
- GNU Library or "Lesser" General Public License (LGPL)
- MIT license
- Mozilla Public License 2.0
- Common Development and Distribution License
- Eclipse Public License
So therefore, I should be looking for projects with licenses that are similar to the list given, that should be a good indication that I'm in the right place.
I also looked up open source software packages on Google.
"A package manager or package management system is a collection of software tools that automates the process of installing, upgrading, configuring, and removing computer programs for a computer's operating system in a consistent manner. A package manager deals with packages, distributions of software and data in archive files. Packages contain metadata, such as the software's name, description of its purpose, version number, vendor, checksum, and a list of dependencies necessary for the software to run properly. Upon installation, metadata is stored in a local package database. Package managers typically maintain a database of software dependencies and version information to prevent software mismatches and missing prerequisites. They work closely with software repositories, binary repository managers, and app stores.
Package managers are designed to eliminate the need for manual installs and updates. This can be particularly useful for large enterprises whose operating systems are based on Linux and other Unix-like systems, typically consisting of hundreds or even tens of thousands of distinct software packages." "Software Distribution". Dell KACE. Retrieved 2012-07-11.
At this point, I still don't understand how packages work... so I will take all this information at face value. It says that its a collection of software tools that will install, upgrade, configure and remove programs... none of which I know how to do myself, so I would not even know what package code does what even if I looked at it at this point. I will have to rely on what the project descriptions say of themselves from here for now.
I will look for some open source software packages now... Inside the list of software packages wiki page, I will go to a section that seems relatively simple to understand (Finance). I'll click on a link that has a simple name (HomeBank). It leads me to another wiki page, but I'm thinking I should be looking for some sort of repository kind of website. On the bottom of the page with External links, there are several sections (Open-source, Freeware, Retail, File Formats and Related topics). These are comparisons of accounting softwares... I'll click web-based inside open source (ummm metafresh option)... another wiki page.. sigh... in external links I see Project Code Repository.. (https://github.com/metasfresh). Finally something that looks like what I need.
Umm... nothing screams packages or license yet... I click the first (post?) on their page that says "
metasfresh ERP Software
I see a whole lot of folders.... oh at the bottom of the list of files I see CONTRIBUTING.md, LICENSE.md... this looks promising!! I go into LICENSE.md, and it shows "
Version 2, June 1991
at the top... checking the list I had earlier in this post... YES, its my fourth option!! OKAY... so.. umm...
Lab 1 Step 2:
Research the procedure used by those projects to accept code
("patches") from contributors. This may be through a mailing list, bug
tracker, or source code management system (SCMS)/version control system
Okay, it appears to actually be the official GNU document, so I'll read it through (about 3-4 pages) and see if it answers my questions.
Umm nope.. it basically said everything must be free for everyone to modify and use and that because its free, no warranties exist and anything that is different from the original must be documented and explained clearly to the recipients, etc.. so I guess I'll have to look more at metafresh's github to see if they explain anything rules in detail for THEIR repository.
Nothing significant in the README.md.. let's try CONTRIBUTING.md.
Here is what they posted:
How to contribute
- If you don't yet have one, create a github account for yourself.
- Create a fork of the metasfresh repositotory you want to contribute to.
- Make your contribution and create a pull request.
- We will review and comment on the pull request. We may suggest some changes or improvements or alternatives. We will always thread your work and of course also yourself with respect, even in case we choose not to incorporate it into metasfresh.
If you need help, don't hesitate to contact us, for example on our metasfresh gitter chat.
We know that our documentation is still patchy and are keen to improve it!
How to get help
- Here is our current developer's documentation, about how to get the code to compile etc: http://docs.metasfresh.org/pages/developers/index_en
- Just like with the metasfresh code, we are also grateful for contributions to this documentation
- We have a gitter chat dedicated to this repository. You can enter it at https://gitter.im/metasfresh/metasfresh
So it appears that they desire contributors to fork (make a copy into their own repos)... then make changes, then make a pull request (which would allow the administrators of the original repository to review and accept their new code - which is merging the pull request).
Okay, well if that didn't answer the question, I don't know what else the lab is looking for. Now I need to find a second project with a different license.
Back to the original list of open-source packages...
Let's try: Assistive Technology -> Speech (synthesis and recognition)... try Emacspeak...
went to
emacspeak.sourceforge.net ... lots of 'blah blah blah' but nothing that looks like a repository... try again with something else.
Section -> Networking and Internet -> Web browsers -> Firefox.
The wiki page says the license is:
MPL 2.0 |
and that is an acceptable license for our blog.. lets figure out what the rules are for contributing...
Their website is all very - "Welcome to Mozilla Firefox!"... I think this is for users to see.. I'm going to try googling their repo... ("firefox repository")
First link:
First link:
makes absolutely no sense to me... oh okay, 4th link seems right (https://github.com/mozilla)
I see a list of (I don't even know what these are.. posts? sections??):
what are these links exactly? sections of mozilla or postings?? anyway, I'll click the first link with pdf.js...
LICENSE says something about Apache License Version 2.0.. which is number 1 in our acceptable licenses. I don't see a CONTRIBUTING.md.. so I'll try README.md.
There's a sub-section that looks like:
what are these links exactly? sections of mozilla or postings?? anyway, I'll click the first link with pdf.js...
LICENSE says something about Apache License Version 2.0.. which is number 1 in our acceptable licenses. I don't see a CONTRIBUTING.md.. so I'll try README.md.
There's a sub-section that looks like:
PDF.js is an open source project and always looking for more contributors. To get involved checkout:- Issue Reporting Guide
- Code Contribution Guide
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Good Beginner Bugs
- Priorities
- Attend a Public Meeting
Inside the Code Contribution Guide link:
Contributing code
Below is an overview of how to contribute code to the PDF.js project. The basic workflow is as follows:- Fork
- Create feature branch
- Make changes
- Run lint and testing
- Push changes to your fork/branch
- Create pull request
- Code review and automated testing
- Merge into master
- Git client
- GitHub account
- Node.js
- Gulp (via
npm install -g gulp-cli
So for this project, it also requires forking, but also testing it using lint and other features to do some testing.. same idea with pull requests and merging later on to master by a collaborator..
Lab 1 Step 3:
Identify one software change ("patch") successfully submitted in
each community, and observe the entire review process from start to
finish. Note how many people were involved in the review, the role of
those people in the community and project, how long the whole review
took, how responsive the participants were to updates in the process,
what kinds of issues were discussed, and how issues were resolved.
Now, I'm going to look for an example... within the pdf.js listing I see at the top sub-categories like: Code - Issues - Pull Requests - Projects - Wiki - Pulse - Graphs
I'm gonna click Pull Requests since that seems like the place where people's contributions are waiting to be authorized for merging later on...
Clicked on:
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